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Dean and Chairs

The Dean's Office for the College of Architecture, led by the main Dean and supported by the Vice Dean for Planning, Consultation, and Training, as well as the Vice Dean of Academic Affairs, serves as the central administrative body focused on advancing the college's educational mission. This team collaborates to support academic programs, enhance the learning environment, and foster partnerships among students, faculty, and industry professionals. By implementing policies and managing resources, the Dean's Office aims to prepare students for successful careers in the dynamic field of architecture.

Vice Dean for planning and Consultation, and Training 

The Office of the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs serves as the connects college students and the Deanship of Admissions and Registration for all student affairs matters. The affiliated units offer services to students related to academic scheduling, guidance, counseling, registration, warnings, grievances, and more.


Vice Dean of Academic Affairs

The Office of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Research, and Graduate Studies is a fundamental pillar of the College of Architecture. This office bears full responsibility for academic affairs, including planning and developing academic matters and coordinating and supervising academic programs and activities at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.



Welcome to the official website of the College of Architecture at Kuwait University, a vital platform through which we connect with the outside world, exchanging information, cultures, and the various activities and research being conducted.
