College of Architecture
Architecture is considered one of the essential and important specializations in developing the civilizations of countries; the architect contributes to the design of all components of the built environment in cities, starting from city planning and urban design to the design of buildings, public squares, gardens, roads, and site planning on a comprehensive scale. The architect specializes in designing homes, hospitals, schools, and other civic facilities, in addition to linking the design relationships of multiple functions inside and outside these buildings. Design here includes designing facades and defining interior spaces, in addition to paying attention to the fine details and everything that adds an aesthetic, psychological, and philosophical dimensions to the building and its interior spaces.
The study system in the Department of Architecture is a credit hour system, and the student must successfully complete at least 166 credit hours distributed over five years to obtain a bachelor's degree (Bachelor of Architecture). It is worth mentioning that the Bachelor of Architecture program at Kuwait University has obtained international academic accreditation from the National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB) since 2010. This accreditation was renewed in 2016 and 2022 and currently continues until 2028.
The Department of Architecture strives to achieve the following objectives:
1. Preparing Qualified Architectural Cadres: Possessing the technical and creative skills to develop innovative architectural projects by enhancing critical thinking, and training students to analyze urban problems and provide sustainable solutions. The department focuses on continuous learning and encourages students to continue learning throughout their lives to keep pace with developments in the field of architecture.
2. Enhancing Kuwaiti Architectural Cultural Identity: Preserving architectural heritage: Integrating Kuwaiti cultural and heritage elements into curricula and projects for a design that reflects identity and focuses on developing designs that reflect the local environment and suit the Kuwaiti character.
3. Focusing on Sustainability: Training students to create designs that take into account environmental efficiency and the use of renewable energy to protect the environment and encourage students to adopt sustainability concepts in city planning and building design.
4. Contributing to Urban Planning and Urban Development: By training students to develop urban designs that contribute to improving the infrastructure of cities and participating in local projects to support national efforts in developing the built environment in line with Kuwait's future vision.
5. Preparing Students for the Job Market: Providing practical training and involving students in training programs with consulting offices, companies, and professional institutions for sustainable professional networking by enhancing teamwork and communication skills to qualify them for success in diverse work environments.